Posts filed under: Language

Millimeters vs. Inches: Measuring the Difference

Inches are evil. Fractional evil, but pure evil.

OK, the page trim is 5.5 inches in width, the left and right margins are each six-eighths of an inch, and there’s a quarter-inch gutter—quick, what is the text width?

On the other hand, if the trim width is 140 millimeters, the right and left margins are 20 millimeters each (140 – 40) and the gutter is set to 6 millimeters—quick, the text width is 94 millimeters. Piece of soup.


Beizzzzjing! Pronouncing Foreign Names in English

Choking correctness?

“Bahhhhhhhrain,” the news announcers say.

“Beijzzzing,” they call China’s capital.

“Pakiston,” they say, not Pakistan. It’s spelled with an A but pronounced with a short O.

“Cheee-laaay,” comes a chilly voice that pretends to have a Chilean accent. (2019 update to an older blog post.)

I’m not saying it’s a bad thing to try to pronounce place names the way they are by the people that live there, but it is a definite jump in inconsistency.
