A Look at Idioms 1

We use our eyes all the time, so look is a common verb in our thoughts. Here we’ll look over common idioms and phrasal verbs made with the word look, as a verb and as a noun.

For instance, if someone gives you a dirty look, does the person likely look up to you or look down on you? And what’s the difference between look out for and look in on?


A Look at Idioms 2

Continue looking at idioms that use look.


A Look at Idioms 3

Continue looking at idioms that use look.


Look! An Idioms Crossword Puzzle

Crossword puzzles are great English learning tools.

Test and review your knowledge of English idioms that include the word look, as a verb and as a noun. And don’t worry! If you can’t solve the whole puzzle, no one will look down on you or give you a dirty look.


Eye on Idioms 1

When you look at the sources of English idioms (idioms from sports, colors, food, etc.), you see that more idioms come from parts of the body than from other sources. In fact, just the head alone gives us numerous common idioms—phrases that use head, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, and chin.


Eye on Idioms 2

Continue exploring eye idioms:


Eye on Idioms 3

Continue exploring eye idioms:


Eye on Crosswords

Try this online crossword puzzle to review idioms that use eye.

Use the button below to test your knowledge of idioms that refer to the eye. Click on any square and you’ll see the clue question under the puzzle.


Summer Foods, Idioms and Vocabulary

Test your knowledge of these and other food idioms.

English idioms for summer foods
Food Idioms Cool as a Cucumber

Famous Railways Around the World

Venice-Simplon Orient Express in Poland, in 2007 .

Here’s a look at a few of the famous railways around the world.
