What does it mean if you have butterflies in your stomach? Have you been eating insects? Why would you say a stock market report is like music to your ears?

These are idioms for emotions. Let’s look at some common ones. How many of these have you learned?

1. If Jenny’s news was “music to Katy’s ears,” then ___.
A. the news was about music
B. Jenny and Katy are musicians
C. the news made Katy happy
D. the news surprised Katy

2. Carl: How do you feel about your promotion at work?
Tracy: I’m so happy! I’m ____.
A. head over heels
B. dragging my feet
C. on cloud nine
D. keeping it in mind

3. Cheryl: I’m going on a polar bear swim.
Jake: You’re going to jump into icy water? You must ____.
A. be out of your mind
B. mind your step
C. have changed your mind
D. have ice in your brain

4. Kyle: It’s raining again. I’m so depressed.
Patricia: I know what will ____ you up. We’ll watch a movie.
A. jump
B. steer
C. change
D. cheer

5. Before the baseball game started, our coach gave us a speech to ____ us up.
A. flip
B. psych
C. clear
D. send

6. When our professor told us class was canceled, we all ____ for joy.
A. cheered
B. psyched
C. jumped
D. stood

7. Ron: I can’t wait to try that new seafood restaurant.
May: Well, ____, I hear it’s expensive.
A. bring to mind
B. keep in mind
C. peace of mind
D. call to mind

8. Jim smiled when he heard the music. “This song ___ to mind something funny that happened when I was a student,” he said.
A. changes
B. keeps
C. brings
D. stays

9. Our professor said there would be a test tomorrow, but fortunately he was joking. He was speaking with ___.
A. lip on lip
B. tongue in cheek
C. teeth gritted
D. smile wide

10. The car dealer says they have the lowest prices anywhere! But car dealers exaggerate, so take it with a ___.
A. tongue in cheek
B. lip pinched
C. grain of salt
D. crossed finger

11. Fifteen years ago, investors ___ the idea that video game companies could make lots of money. They didn’t believe it.
A. embraced
B. saw through
C. laughed at
D. cried for

12. Renee hates flying, so she was not a ____ on the long flight to Tokyo.
A. tongue in cheek
B. happy camper
C. jump for joy
D. sound mind

13. Jenny was really down ____ after her two kids went off to college. But her kids cheered her up with video calls.
A. to the ground
B. under
C. in the dumps
D. and around

14. Paul was ____ himself when he was named manager of his department. He always wanted to be a manager.
A. next to
B. beside
C. in front of
D. on top of

15. A: I’m sorry, we can’t buy ice cream today. You need to eat healthier foods.
B: Oh, you’re ____.
A. changing my mind
B. crying my eyes out
C. breaking my heart
D. laughing at me
16. If George has butterflies in his stomach, he ____.
A. has eaten insects
B. is really hungry
C. feels nervous
D. needs to see a doctor


Answers: 1. C 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. C 11. C 12. B 13. C 14. B 15. C 16. C

These are idioms for emotions and the mind. Since English idioms often come from things people are emotional about, we certainly get some colorful expressions for emotions.