
Hawaii Wins the 2016 Little League Intermediate World Series

Max Baer Park, Livermore, California.

The team representing Hawaii won the 2016 Little League Intermediate World Series in early August, beating South Korea 5-1.

The intermediate tournament was held for the fourth time in Livermore, California, bringing Little League World Series action to the West Coast.

Begun in 2013, the new league has become popular with the games shown on TV live nationwide, on ESPN2. This year it returned to Livermore for the fourth time.

Sports English

1. Little League, n. ~ the name of the world’s largest youth baseball league.

2. represent, v. ~ to be the team from a certain country or place in a sporting event. A team from the island of Maui represented Hawaii i n this year’s series.

3. beat, v. ~ to win. Kim always beats me when we play card.

4. action, n. ~ the activity of play of a game or sport. Next week New York plays Los Angeles, and you can watch all the action on this TV channel.

5. nationwide, adv. ~  across a whole nation, not just locally. The football game was broadcast nationwide. Also an adjective: nationwide TV.

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