The San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, New East Span

The San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, New East Span.

The San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, known locally as just the Bay Bridge, is one of two major bridges that cross the bay into San Francisco.

Part of the bridge’s eastern span collapsed during the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, closing the much-used bridge for a month.

A new and safer eastern span was built over 11 years at a reported cost of $6.5 billion. When it opened in 2013, it made the bridge the widest in the world (Guiness, 2014).

Check out these photos taken shortly after the new span’s opening. Visible on the left in some is the original eastern span before it was torn down.

The San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, New East Span
The San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, New East Span, with the original East Span still visible on the left.